uefi – Dual Boot Help (Win10 and CentOS8) – Unix & Linux Stack Exchange.[Solved]Dual Boot Windows 10 and Cent0S7 – CentOS

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So, proceed with the Windows install – it will take over the whole disk. Once it’s all installed free up some space with “Shrink” via the disk. I have been trying to dual boot Win10 and CentOS7 using EFI with no success. Did anyone have a working dual boot EFI installation of Windows.

Dual boot windows 10 and centos 7 uefi free –


I just re-installed the OSs and they start fine so far. Like you suggested, I did have to disable “quickboot” so I could see which button I need to press to get the “boot menu” up.

In my case is F9, and from there I can choose which OS to boot from. When the PC started, the grub menu was popping up and from there I could choose which OS to boot from. I was expecting the same behaviour this time with the EFI boot. Anyway, thank you for pointing me to the right direction. While I focus on Windows 10 and Fedora Linux here, the process is fairly similar when installing other combinations as well.

I started the Windows 10 installation and created a 20 Gigabyte Windows partition. I deleted all existing Linux and swap partitions to start fresh, and then started my Windows installation. Roughly Gigabytes of unallocated space remained on the GB boot drive once this was finished.

I then proceeded with and completed the Windows 10 installation process. I then rebooted into Windows to make sure it was working, created my user account, set up wi-fi, and completed other tasks that need to be done on a first-time OS installation. I next moved to install Linux. The last partition I created was Linux swap. As with Windows, I continued and completed the Linux installation, and then rebooted. I selected Linux and completed the usual steps such as creating my user account.

Overall, the process was painless. I believe that we have now made it past these hurdles and can reliably set up multi-boot systems. Privacy Statement. What is an open decision? Resources What is open source? Stay on top of the latest thoughts, strategies and insights from enterprising peers. I use some memory intensive applications and want to minimize the footprint of the OS. Also, my gut tells me that running one OS inside another may have it’s own set of issues that I’d prefer to not layer on top of the usual host of difficulties when faced with debugging something that isn’t working right.

Perhaps I’m wrong and using a VM is smooth as silk and no different than what I’m doing, but I doubt it. So why UEFI? Good question. I believe that was limiting how many partitions could be made on the disk, so when I installed CentOS it ended up stomping on some Windows partitions and consequently win10 became unrecoverable and couldn’t be repaired thus my repeated adnauseum number of reinstalls – I had my windows key memorized that’s how many times I did it.

When I reformatted the disk to be gpt – using gdisk or fdisk the Windows installer would NOT let me install win10 – and apparently it’s because I was still trying to install it in non-UEFI mode. Thanks again to everyone who pitched in ideas to help me out! I downloaded the everything version I guess and I created a bootable usb using rufus.

So I went through the process and it is even asking me to create 1 MB of partition for biosboot and I did. So it went through the install and as I enter the root password, the installation froze. I reset the laptop and now, it won’t boot my windows First, how to properly install centos on a laptop? Is rufus a recommended tool to use? Optional, if you can tell me how to fix windows boot record that would be awesome.

Thank you in advance.


Dual boot windows 10 and centos 7 uefi free.Subscribe to RSS

Once this is done, reboot, and with the same proceedure, launch your CentOS 7. Modified 2 years, 6 months ago. From the same command prompt window, go inside the EFI partition by writing x: and hitting enter. Finally reboot your computer and check whether the Ubuntu has gone away from your machine or not. Create a free Team Why Teams? Don’t pick that option.