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Wilson, published in the Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. Use the new Follow edges setting to control this. For Sweden teklx new Reliability Class setting is added which жмите the factor? Improvements in rebar sets and Rebar shape manager In addition to the existing bar end options, such as hooks, tekla structures 2017 release notes free can now create cranks using rebar set end detail modifiers. New selection tool and other modeling improvements.

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Tekla structures 2017 release notes free. Tekla Structures 2017 Open API Release Notes


Check design only is supported but not auto-design. This includes loads applied by members connecting with the span and to both the torsion force and rotation limit checks. When this is detected no checks are performed and a warning is issued. Note that web openings are beyond scope. Formerly, while it was possible to define plated sections and use them in a building, no design was undertaken.

Scope: Characteristic of Beam and non-composite only are allowed. Single and multi-span continuous beams and cantilever spans are allowed. As with rolled I-sections, the flexure class Slender is beyond scope, but axial class Slender is allowed. Web openings are not catered for.

A proportioning limit check is introduced, based on Section F For the combined forces check, as for rolled I-sections, equations Ha and Hb are implemented; however the check is Beyond Scope for sections that fail the proportioning limit check noted above, whether any axial force is compressive or tensile. Openings are defined in a simple and intuitive manner with real-time graphical confirmation of the opening dimensions and location s.

Graphical icons indicate when the proximity of openings becomes too close and tooltips in the definition dialog guide the engineer with allowable dimension values. Sections – Plated Sections – a number of improvements are made to the definition of plated sections: Previously it was not possible to select a plate of less than mm in breadth for the top or bottom flange of a plated I-section beam The manner of definition for Plated Beam and Column sections reverts to that prior to i – the overall section depth can now again be manually entered as any value rather than being selected from a drop-down list of fixed plate sizes in the database Beams – Composite Beams – the automated effective width calculation now ignores brace members when detecting the proximity of members which may limit the width , BIM Integration – Cellbeam Export: In some circumstances for curved beams supported purlin reaction loads were not exported to Cellbeam For the circumstance of loads applied by other means such as a connected column a warning is added on export that in addition to directly applied loads only reactions from supported transverse beams are considered Concrete Walls – Meshed Walls – this issue relates only to version Where beams connected to a wall between levels the beam analysis elements were not correctly connected to and supported by the wall mesh elements.

A workaround was to create a construction level at the wall and beam intersection point – this is no longer required When set on, only wind loads were decomposed by the panel, not any other area loads in the plane and area of the panel such as gravity loads which would be decomposed by the overlapping slab items.

Tekla BIMsight support and maintenance is discontinued as of December 31, Tekla Web Viewer is not supported anymore in this version. Trimble Connect provides new, modern web technologies to replace the Tekla Web Viewer usage.

Embedded anchors 8 , Automated reinforcement layout – double tee beam 51 , Automated reinforcement layout – ledge spandrel 55 , Automated reinforcement layout – rectangular spandrel 56 , Beam reinforcement 63 , Stirrup reinforcement 67 , Strip footing reinforcement 75 , Seating with dowel 75 , Two sided seating with dowel 76 , Seating with dowel to flange 77 , Two sided seating with dowel to flange 78 , Round column reinforcement 82 , Rectangular column reinforcement 83 , Hole reinforcement for slabs and walls 84 , Started bars for footing 87 , Reinforced concrete stair 95 , Concrete console , Concrete beam-beam , Double wall edge and opening reinforcement , Mesh bars , Rebar coupler , Rebar end anchor , Wall layout , Wall layout T connector , Wall groove seam , Wall to wall connection.

Bolted gusset 11 , Joining plates 14 , Triangles generation 19 , Tube gusset 20 , Stiffened end plate 27 , Welded tee 32 , Haunch 40 , Cranked beam 41 , Seat conn type 1 52 , Wraparound gusset 58 , Hollow brace wraparound gusset 59 , Wraparound gusset cross 60 , Gusseted cross 62 , Partial stiff end plate 65 , HSS Brace special 66 , Rail connection 70 , Splice connection 77 , Clip angle , Welded beam to beam , Two sided end plate , End plate , Shear plate simple , Welded to top flange S , Full depth S , Offshore , Stiffened base plate Changed advanced options:.

Deleted advanced options:. New template attibutes:. There is a useful improvement in drawings:. There is a useful improvement in pours:. Property pane for cut, chamfer, surface treatment, surface, and point properties.

You can now access the properties of cuts, chamfers, surface treatment, surfaces, and points in the property pane. Conical bent plates and other improvements in bent plate creation.

You can now create conical bent plates. Previously, only cylindrical bent plates could be created. There are also other improvements in bent plate creation.

Large icons for toolbars and other user interface improvements. The usability of Tekla Structures has been improved. For example, you can resize the icons on the toolbars, switch toolbars on and off, customize toolbars by hiding switches, and show parts in a view angle you select on the contextual toolbar. The default keyboard shortcut for direct modification has changed to D. Better performance and other modeling improvements.

There are improvements that enhance performance in models that contain items with imported shapes. There are improvements in linking the Above line and Below line property values of welds. There are improvements in polygon welds, copying and moving objects, and in numbering. There are improvements in grouping, copying, moving, and reporting reinforcing bars, and in showing reinforcing bar leg dimensions in model views.

There are new template attributes for reinforcement. Redesigned customization tools for ribbon, property pane, and user-defined commands. The customization tools for ribbon, property pane and user-defined commands have been completely redesigned. The refreshed tools with uniform design offer simpler and smoother workflow for your customization of Tekla Structures.

The new tools are Ribbon editor , Property pane editor , and Command editor. Improvements in analysis and design. There are important improvements in analysis model visualization. For example, when you move the mouse pointer over analysis parts, each analysis part is now highlighted using a darker shade of the color of the analysis part.

The error and warning messages related to analysis model creation have been improved. The messages now provide more detailed and clearly structured information. Also, new messages have been added. The maximum number of load groups has been increased from 50 to Document manager – Manage all drawings and other documents. With the new Document manager you can manage your drawings and also other types of documents efficiently.

You can reorganize, freeze, show and hide columns, edit some of the list data directly, and organize documents and drawings in custom categories. In Tekla Structures i, Document manager is available by default, and it replaces the old Drawing list completely.

A new tab Annotations has been added to the drawing mode ribbon. With the new Add Mark command you have a chance to select if you want to use view level mark properties or current mark properties.

There are also improvements in mark and note placement, mark merging, associative notes, and merging of rebar marks. Protection settings have been moved to the view level in drawings, and you can have marks shown in different locations in GA drawing plan views and detail views, for example. Bent plates have new advanced options allowing you to adjust whether the end lines are drawn, or dimensions displayed, or whether to show Up and Down text instead of positive or negative angle values.

There are also improvements in. Base point use in Layout manager. You can now use base points in Layout manager when defining the location of layout points.

Improvements in interoperability. Wall layout tools, Detailing manager , Hollow core lifting loops , Rebar coupler and anchor tools , Hole generation macro 32 , Corbels and recesses 82 , Round column reinforcement 82 , Starter bars for pillar 86 , Concrete console , Concrete console , Concrete beam-beam , Precast foundation block , Concrete foundation New template attributes:.

There are useful improvements in cloned views:. When cloning single part, assembly or cast unit drawings, if the cloning template had views that were aligned in the X or Y axis at the center of the gravity point, the resulting cloned drawing will now try to align matching views based on the center of gravity.

Tekla Structures SP2 was recalled due to a serious technical problem. There is a useful improvement in showing point clouds:. When attaching a point cloud, you can now select to show the point cloud inside the work area only Show inside work area only. There are useful new features and improvements in Wall layout and Mesh bars components, and numbering settings Phase :. In Wall layout , when creating openings, you can now select the layer that is cut from a list in the contextual toolbar.

Wall layout opening has been changed so that it is possible to define the cut part name and a class for the cut part. Wall layout opening has been changed so that now the list of detailing options in the contextual toolbar may contain multiple options. Wall layout elementation now has a new option for Max height , and separate options for Vertical seam settings and Horizontal seam settings. In Mesh bars , you can now use direct modification to move, copy, and delete rebars.

Rebar groups now correctly use the defined grid size and minimum spacing. This advanced option is model specific and it is available in the Advanced Options dialog box.

New Support tool. The new Support tool allows you to contact Tekla Structures support directly. With this tool you can collect the model, related files, and other necessary information in one support request, and safely upload your request to Tekla Structures support. New way to edit model object properties. The new property pane replaces the previously used model object properties dialog boxes. Most model objects have a property pane in the modeling mode.

Easier way to change work planes. Use the work plane handler toolbar to select which work plane you currently have in use in the model. You can switch between the different saved work planes and base points.

Undo modeling and drawing changes with the new Undo history command. All the commands that you have run and the modifications you have done are now listed in the new Undo history dialog box. By selecting a command or an action in the Undo history dialog box, you can undo or redo several commands at one go, and thus go back and forth in the model history. Other user interface changes. Tekla Online is a new side pane that provides a shortcut access to the different Tekla Online services.

There are improvements in the side pane. You can easily open and close side pane windows. You can have several side pane windows open at the same time. Snapping and Selecting toolbars have been renewed. Snap symbol colors have been changed. Quick Launch finds the commands on the File menu.

The base point symbol has changed. New selection tool and other modeling improvements. There is a new object selection tool for selecting again the same objects that you selected previously but have then deselected.

There are several improvements in construction objects. For example, you can now change the line type of the construction lines and circles. There are improvements in the Inquire tool, numbering, welds, and shapes. More accurate analysis models and other analysis and design improvements. There is a new method of generating analysis models.

Analysis parts are now automatically connected more accurately, and the nodes are created at correct locations. You can now export a Tekla Structures analysis model to Tekla Structural Designer along with the physical model. You can import the changes you have made in Tekla Structural Designer and update the corresponding analysis model in Tekla Structures. There are improvements in defining analysis model content and filters, changes in the Analysis Model Properties dialog box, and in analysis classes and node colors.

Faster rebar sets and other reinforcement improvements. There are many improvements that enhance performance in models that contain rebar sets.

There are three new selection switches for selecting bars within rebar sets. It is now more easy to add leg faces to rebar sets. There are improvements in rebar set splitters, grouping bars in rebar sets, and in numbering reinforcement meshes. There are many new settings that you can use to define and show position numbers for rebar set bars in drawings and reports. There are reinforcement improvements in drawings, for example, some improvements in reinforcement behavior and appearance, such as preventing overlapping rebars, a new option to show single lines with filled ends, and solid lines at rebar ends.

Improvements in pour management. Pour unit is a new object type similar to assemblies and cast units. A pour unit combines together a pour object and other objects that need to be in place before cast-in-place concrete can be poured.

You can filter and report pour units, and use them in Organizer and Task manager. Pour properties are shown in the property pane. New way to manage drawing content and other mark and note improvements. There are lots of significant improvements in marks, especially related to mark placement and drawing content handling.

There is a new drawing tool Drawing content manager available for quickly checking the included model objects and related marks, and for adding marks.

You can add associative notes and model weld marks to several model objects or welds at one go, and easily select all part marks and weld marks. There are new options for hiding weld marks, and improvements in text alignment.

Customized dimension line arrows and other dimensioning improvements. You can customize dimension line arrows, and create arrows of your own. You can change the dimension arrow size for all arrow types. You can add pour object properties in dimension tags. Straight rebar dimensions are anchored to the rebar ends. There are updates in the Rebar group dimensioning application. Opening drawings is now much faster. Template Editor improvements.

Template Editor has been updated to version 3. The usability of Template Editor has been improved further, and you can now have several dialog boxes open at the same time, open new templates in new application windows, search for attributes, and much more. Reserve next write out and other Tekla Model Sharing improvements.

You can now reserve the next write out in a shared model. Reserving the next write out is useful if you need to ensure that other users will not write out changes that would override the changes you are making. You can create a model baseline using Sharing automation tool. Improvements in IFC export, import and conversion. IFC4 has been developed further. Point clouds in 3D scanning.

You can now attach point clouds to Tekla Structures models. Point clouds are groups of measured points on the surfaces of objects created with 3D laser scanners, for example, Trimble 3D laser scanners. Trimble Connector and other interoperability improvements. You can add attachments to ToDo notes in Trimble Connector. You can collaborate with Trimble Connect Desktop. Coordinate system has been removed from Trimble Connector settings.

Reference model import plug-ins are available as. New service and license for Open API developers. New options for controlling visuals and other DirectX rendering improvements. In Tekla Structures , the DirectX rendering has been improved. Braced girder 88 , Braced girder 89 , Rebar coupler and anchor tools. Stiffener seating 12 , Column – 2 beam 14 , Generation of purlins 50 , Diagonal splice 53 , Stairs S71 , Splice connection 77 , Turnbuckle connection , Welded column with stiffeners , Bolted moment connection , Moment connection , Column with stiffeners W , Beam prep , Full depth S , Column with stiffeners , Column with stiffeners S , Column with stiffeners , Doubler plate New documentation structure.

Skip to main content. Release notes summary across Tekla Structures versions Tekla Structures. Not version-specific Tekla Structures.

Release notes summary across Tekla Structures versions This page summarizes the new features and improvements in Tekla Structures versions and service packs between Tekla Structures SP2 and Release notes – Tekla Structures SP1 Clash check between point clouds and pour objects is now supported. New fabrication drawings – create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings more efficiently The new Create fabrication drawing functionality allows you to create drawings by using saved settings predefined for different model objects, or by using existing drawings in your model as templates.

After selecting model objects, enable or disable the Creation review and Smart create switches depending on whether you want to create drawings immediately, or open the Creation review dialog box for more controlled creation process. To create drawings fast based on the best matching drawing template in the current model, select objects in the model, enable the Smart create switch only.

If a matching drawing is not found, drawings are created from the settings applied in the drawing properties dialog box. If you enable the Creation review switch, the Creation review dialog box is displayed, where you can control the objects that are displayed and get drawings, the settings that are used for creating the drawings, and the override settings. New reinforcement object type – rebar assembly Tekla Structures introduces rebar assembly , a reinforcement object type that combines together any reinforcement object types.

Updated spacing settings and other reinforcement improvements Tekla Structures comes with updated spacing settings, curved leg surfaces, performance improvements, and some new properties for rebar sets. New rendering modes for reference models You can now control the reference model and overlay model visualization separately from parts and components. New way to control pour unit visibility in Organizer You can now control in Organizer whether pour units or cast-in-place cast units are used as the highest cast-in-place hierarchy level in Organizer.

Changes in managing Tekla Structures Some of the general settings used for managing Tekla Structures have been changed in version Skip to main content. Tekla Structures service packs Tekla Structures. Service packs can include new features, and improvements and fixes to existing features.

Sway and Drift checks are now performed for concrete walls – both meshed and mid-pier – in the same manner as for columns. Wind drift checks are now performed when any 3D analysis is run in isolation. If a sub-set of combinations are considered in the analysis then only those combinations will be considered in the drift checks. This feature will allow engineers working on larger structures to investigate and optimize the lateral load resisting systems more rapidly.

When enabled a user-specified length limit applied to the merging can be set default 1. Additional check values, corresponding to different connection types, can now be added to the Connection Resistance Database. Any number of columns can be added for checking. For concrete beams, the level of imposed load reductions to consider can now be defined manually in beam properties and reduced forces are then considered in the beam design. This is especially useful for more economic design of transfer beams supporting a number of floors.

A new option is included to generate a set of 3 Equilibrium Combinations. The selection of NA to use is made via the Seismic Wizard as shown in the picture below. When the project is begun in Tekla Structures we recommend using the Analytical Model link to Tekla Structural Designer which has been improved as follows:. A new version of the Revit Integrator which supports Revit is now available from Tekla Downloads.

This incorporates a number of fixes and enhancements to previous releases for other Revit versions. Updates incorporating these are also available for the Integrators for Revit and We are continually expanding the range of sections and materials that are mapped during Integration with both Tekla Structures and Revit. Tekla Structures , the Integration Tool where applicable e.

Improvements have been made for the following regions:. User defined points can now be created anywhere in the model without requiring the use of either grid or construction lines.

The Objective-C 2. Programming by Agung probo guritna. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. CustomPropertyPlugin This caused performance issues and loading failures when custom properties were used. Now the custom properties are loaded only from the extension folder..

This speeds up the loading process and solves loading problems caused by other software components in other extension folders. The new functionality for loading custom properties can be switched of in startup. Catalog