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Readers are sure to be sucked in. Finally being able to go out on tour has made it a real celebration. Do you have your copy? I have a great year of reading planned and would like to invite you to take the Brenda Novak Reading Challenge. And we always meet with the author of the book we are reading to discuss the story at the end of the month. This issue contains the holiday novella Pieces of Perfect. Share your love of books with fellow readers.

Receive notices of Brenda’s latest book releases, special flash book sales, events she will be at, and much more in your inbox. Tesla and Asimov succesfully predicted these things long ago, I wonder who will accurately predict what we have in 50 years time today?

When the fossil sunlight is all used up, we’ll be using ox carts to move turnips into villages near the Arctic Circle. If any humans are left. I am sure it is more vegan. In the case of the spy plane, this would mean a sketch artist with really strong binoculars. Looks vaguely similar to the SR camera, which was a 9X9 inch with an F5.

This gives about 2 GPix per frame. Doing this in 6. This completely ignores the question of lenses. Better off just using a line scan sensor… Put it in front of a big lens and let the plane move the image over the line scanner. Sensitivity could be impacted but in the sensitivity is probably good enough. So comparing to 11K lines per 11 cm height , your solution would be 90 times noisier.

As technology progresses so is the the camera and film and got better. If you look at the specs for that Basler camera that MikeRan posted the link for, you’ll notice that the lens mount options include the Nikon F-mount and M So hang onto your old Nikkor and Takumar glass. The camera in the photo shown on the looks like it’s the F-mount version. William, one part is the temperature, the other is the air density, and at that height is very low.

That means your devices will overheat because there is not enough air mass to transfer the heat to. We had problems running some devices at ft height, where the atmosphere is half of what you have at sea level, even though it was quite cold. Who cares? If this is correct, then my estimates are significantly off.

There are multi cable configurations which support higher data rates. At least the division 5. Not sure. Full is the highest data rate. You have to check the camera link spec. You can look it up.

More important is the scan rate and bit depth and readout parameters of the sensor. Parallel busses can always be faster.

Look at PCI express Serial busses are fantastic these days but more lanes can be faster. Camera link has been around for a while. My way to digest this is that the parallel buses are advantageous only when the hardware to process a certain bandwidth over a serial bus is not feasible. Yes, PCI is an example of such a situation…. Oups, it seems I put my followup on a wrong thread Sorry!

It depends on how well the lanes are shielded and whether the impedance marching is done properly. If properly designed coax can pass very high signal rates in adjacent coax.

And yes I have used Multilane bundle of fine geometry coax with bandwidths in excess of 20GHz in industrial applications. And THIS was exactly my point. Backwards compatibility?! Cameralink dates back to about the year That was in the 12Mbit USB days. So that gives a bit of context The timing issues become a serious problem. It is easier to dump the signal at a much higher clock rate into a serial interface than it is to work around the drawbacks of parallel processing.

The reason hard disk interfaces went from parallel to serial was because the parallel cable was garbage. Unshielded ribbon cable is terrible for signal quality.

These are industrial applications. There is no issue with parallel cables that have the same signal integrity as serial cables.

They just get more expensive. And no one wants expensive serial ATA cables. PCI express and back to parallel. I still think that this system is below the capability of the current off-the-shelf Sony sensors w.

U-2 could get more information to the ground without having to land, and for all the Blackbird was a more capable plane, it wasn’t more useful in practice. It’s almost like how meh phone cameras have replaced significantly better ILCs, because they’re just more practical for how most folks share pictures. They generally don’t even use their satcoms while in flight unless there’s an emergency. Oddly enough, wet film is more secure than digital sensors simply because you can’t put the collected imagery on a USB drive until they are scanned in a scif.

We once had an SR land at our U-2 location, due to some malfunction. People in black came out and took the payload out of the SR and put it into the U Then, the U-2 “went away,” outside of its normal flight schedule.

My clearance didn’t have “need to know” where. I had to haul an Agiflite camera to the airplane for recon and then back to debrief with the film canister after the mission. The kit was literally the size and weight of a large suitcase. I’m pretty sure Agiflite is the reason I embraced mirrorless digital cameras. That’s really neat. Thanks DPR! I’ve known about the U-2 for ages but I had no idea her nickname is Dragon Lady.

Jan – now my brain hurts even more. Flying Falcon? I am going to share this article with my friend who flew Vigilantes with “brownie cameras” at Mach2 speeds from a carrier. Interesting bit of trivia about Vigilantes.

You may know this from taking to your friend. Between the two engines there were two fuel tanks, the rear-most one having a set of extendable fins. The single nuclear bomb the aircraft carried was attached to the forward-most fuel tank. So from front to back it was bomb, fuel tank, fuel tank with fins. The fuel in these tanks was used first and then when it came time to drop the bomb all three went out the back, with the fuel tanks helping to stabilize the bomb as it began its fall.

It apparently wasn’t very practical but it was an interesting concept. I remember him telling me about that interesting fact. Mostly, of course, it would be bragging rights about how fast they were with their reconnaissance flights and would return with pictures even before the bombers returned from their run. Regardless of age, “she” is a beauty, and served her Country well over the years in photography. This is an amazing phrase: ” Digital imaging technology doesn’t quite match the resolving power of the OBC.

Or is the dynamic range still too low? Individual sensors aren’t big enough The whole width of the film was not exposed at the same time. I guess in this is probably not that hard to achieve. That this camera is 70 years old does put some perspective on what they were able to do at the beginning. MikeRan: In 70 years, although electronic imaging sensors can have quite small pixels, the wavelength of the light we’re interested in hasn’t changed much and I’d not expect a much smaller image plane.

You’re comparing apples with oranges. A piece of super-high-resolution film 10, feet long contains an incredible amount of information! Reminds me of a data science class I took once. We were arguing about what networking protocol was the fastest. The instructor came in, went to the chalk board, and showed that tying a nine-track tape to the neck of a dog who would then run to the destination was faster than ANY of the protocols of the day! One is also reminded of the recent imaging of a black hole.

Well, the event horizon, at least. They put disk drives on aircraft, rather than try to correlate the data over the Internet. I enjoy articles like this from time to time. It’s interesting stuff. Ignore the few whiners and keep casting a wide net for interesting photo related stuff. These systems are testaments to the solid engineering of people who designed them many years ago.

I applaud their talent. It seems like that was an incredible era for advanced engineering. All this design done on paper, with slide rules. STILL flying in many places, after more than 85 years!

I grew up in Palmdale, California. My father was a Chief engineer for Lockheed, having earned his degree back in the ‘s. His designs included the P, Constellation and F In spite of modern technology the legacy of those working diligently behind the scenes carries on long after they have faded into history. You must be proud of your dad. The first plane I flew on as a passenger was the Constellation.

Beautiful airplane but the flight was during a storm and we flew at 19, feet right through it.. Half the passengers were throwing up. I didn’t and thought it was a great experience.

None-the-less my father was a lifelong Lockheed engineer having earned his degree from USC at that time being sent to Lockheed Burbank , he tried to enlist but wasn’t allowed to Join the Navy at WWII but was assigned to engineer aircraft. The P38 being one of his projects. He loved that twin boom tail design and so it went also for the Constellation.

He was Chief engineer and plant 42 manager F’s and then assigned to site 2. At one time he worked, on loan from Lockheed, for Howard Hughes. As a child my brothers and I had a personal tour of the H-4 Spruce Goose as it sat in a huge hangar.

My last name is Johnson, but no relation to Clarence Johnson with whom my father worked side-by-side for many years.

They shared a love for engineering and a Swedish background but not much else. My father’s staunch Mormonism was a distinguishing factor and one reason Mr. Hughes hand-picked him.

Well well. There it is. The one new system that could finally be a reason for a company to say “Hey, why not have one single wafer and make a sensor the size of basically the whole wafer. They did it with the Cerebras Wafer-Scale Processing unit that measures 5 inches.

So with this, they could possibly make a inch sensor. The thing is there is little reason to make a sensor the size of the film area it replaces. Digital sensors far out resolve film in both spatial resolution and dynamic range. The main reason to want a sensor at that size were if you were optically limited in terms of resolution, diffraction, or wanting different DoF… but I doubt that is the case here.

Can use a focal reducer to shrink whatever large image circle optics to something smaller and get plenty of resolution and collect the same number of photons. Yes of course it does not make sense for the consumer and pro market.

But if we are looking at spy planes, there may be an application. Especially because the military pays prices that we will never do. Yes, it was a unique and critical mission but you’re stuck inside a lab developing film all day. Meanwhile my friend Larry Reid was featured on this site for his work with the Thunderbirds. I know which assignment I’d pick! But I passed tech school, and went straight to Wilford Hall Hosp. You seem threatened by romantic film, hmmm, guessing you are a hard core digital shooter.

You realize that the U2 has been used for archeological research and photos of areas devastated by natural disasters. Most of the technology that we all take for granted was initially developed for military purposes, i. I didn’t think the article romanticized anything, facts are facts and saying it’s the end of an era doesn’t praise or endorse anything Besides, out of all the things that the military throws money at, an airplane with no offensive capabilities that’s used for surveillance, reconnaissance, and scientific research is probably one of the least directly responsible for any aggression.

It’s probably prevented far more than it’s caused The OP does have a point. Maybe society would be better off with a strict zero tolerance way of rejecting public display or admiration of anything that has been built with military use in mind. Instead we admire military technology, go to military airshows, parades, buy toy weapons of all kinds for the kids, Is it really the right thing to do in the 21st century?

That’s just me tho The fact that you can have this very discussion should be cherished, information is power Nothing to be proud of but facts nonetheless. Your last sentence is key. I never said that the military can or should be abolished. We also need slaughterhouses, yet we don’t bring kids to an open-door day there nor have I ever read an article about the technical finesse of the latest bolt gun.

You frequent photography sites. Rest assured those articles exist. How did kids get shoehorned into the original complaint about an article on DPR? I wasn’t aware this was a children’s playground If that’s the argument tho, the onus is on the parents to monitor what sites very young kids are visiting, what they’re reading, etc.

I don’t see why society as a whole should be censored over that tho. To your point which seems to have little to do with the OP’s : tech is tech, people like to analyze and understand it regardless of the market or application, and many military parades are less about aggrandizing the military and more about honoring servicemen at least in this hemisphere and despite the last pres’ intentions.

Just like this article is mostly about a unique and very interesting camera rather than anything else some may wanna turn it into.

I’m not even sure the OP realizes this rode on a spy plane that literally did nothing but fly around and take photos ok, and got shot down twice. My school did have a day trip to one. This was the early s. It made me neither a killer or a vegetarian. But it did help instill in me a life long respect for life and what is involved in how the food I eat gets to my plate. It may have also helped inspire in me a life-long loathing and opposition to bullies of all types.

I have also hunted and fished and not for sport. My point? Life is complicated and even the longest life is short. It is best not to get locked into -isms and dogmatic ideologies, save this one: practice kindness.

And try not to be hypocrite. The only problem the enemy buys their kids military toys also. Addendum to my earlier comment about my primary school visit to a meat packing company. The company was owned and run by two brothers. They and their wives were survivors of Auschwitz. When I was younger I had an intellectual problem squaring those two aspects of their lives.

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